Queensland Milk Bank

Breast milk increases the survival rate of premature babies by almost 70 per cent. Some mothers may not be able to breastfeed or express milk to feed their premature or sick newborn due to low supply or maternal illness. The next best thing is breast milk donated by other mothers.

Our service

Queensland Milk Bank is the largest and fastest growing milk bank in the country, providing donated breastmilk to preterm or unwell babies right across Australia. Our service helps reduce the length of hospital stay and improves the survival rates of preterm babies.

We screen, collect, process and distribute pasteurised human milk to meet the specific medical and nutrition needs of seriously-ill newborns.

Since its inception, the Queensland Milk Bank has been donated over 4200 litres of milk from 400 donor mothers. The milk has improved outcomes of over 1400 premature babies.

Mums in the community can donate if:

  • you are breastfeeding or expressing for your own baby and you have an abundant supply of milk which is surplus to your baby’s needs
  • you are in good health.

A simple lifestyle screening tool is completed which looks at your general health. There are some certain medications that may exclude you from donating, but these are few and can be discussed with the milk bank staff.  Blood tests are required to ensure infections or viruses will not pass through the milk.

Is there a cost?

No, there is no financial cost to donate milk. Once you are an approved donor, we will supply disposable equipment for you to use.

Breast milk has the best nutrition for an baby. Some mothers may not be able to breastfeed or express milk to feed their premature or sick newborn due to low supply or maternal illness. The next best thing is breast milk donated by other mothers.

Contact us

Location: Level 6, Ned Hanlon Building
Phone: (07) 3646 0542
Open: Monday-Friday 6.45am-3.15pm