Kidney health service

Kidney services are provided at several sites throughout Brisbane Metro North Hospital and Health Service, in addition to Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Ambulatory clinics are held at:

Redcliffe Hospital

  • General nephrology clinics
  • Dialysis services
  • Nurse practitioner led dialysis clinics

Nundah Community Health Centre

  • Specialist led chronic kidney disease multidisciplinary clinics
  • Nurse practitioner led chronic kidney disease clinics
  • Specialist led kidney supportive care multidisciplinary clinics

North Lakes Health Precinct

  • General nephrology clinics
  • Specialist led chronic kidney disease multidisciplinary clinics
  • Nurse practitioner led chronic kidney disease clinics
  • Dialysis services
  • Genetic renal disease clinics

Stafford Kidney Health Centre

  • General nephrology clinics
  • Transition to dialysis services
  • Peritoneal dialysis training unit
  • Home haemodialysis training unit
  • Home therapy support unit

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

  • General nephrology clinics
  • Dialysis services
  • Genetic renal disease clinics
  • Specialist led transplant multidisciplinary clinics
  • Conjoint Vasculitis clinics

Patients are allocated to the various facilities based on their postcode, the availability of particular services at those facilities, the nature of the referred condition and its severity and equity of access across the Hospital and Health Sservice.

Special chronic kidney disease clinics are run in primary care under the Keeping Kidneys Program.

Send referral

Hotline: 1300 364 938

Fax: 1300 364 952

Electronic: eReferral system

Mail: Metro North Central Patient Intake
Aspley Community Centre
776  Zillmere Road

Health pathways

Access to Health Pathways is free for clinicians in Metro North Brisbane.

For login details email:

Login to Brisbane North Health Pathways:

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