Care Coordinators2017-10-24T04:30:38+00:00

Care Coordinators

The role of the Cancer Care Coordinator is to provide a central point of contact for any concerns or questions you may have throughout your cancer diagnosis and treatment.

A Cancer Care Coordinator can help you by:

  • assisting with your arrival to hospital and return home to your regional centre
  • acting as a central point of contact
  • providing access to information about your disease, procedures and treatment
  • assisting your Specialist, General Practitioner and other Health Professionals in coordinating your care
  • ensuring you are well supported by all relevant members of the treatment team e.g. Social Worker, Physiotherapist etc.
  • facilitating your appointments, results and treatment schedules
  • providing information on support groups, organisations and education programs

Contact us

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital


If one or more of the following apply, you may benefit from talking to a Cancer Care Coordinator:

  • You live greater than 50km away from your treating hospital
  • You are aged 15-25 years
  • You are having more than one treatment (chemotherapy, radiation)
  • You are a resident of a care facility
  • You have been transferred from another hospital
  • You have self referred or been referred by a health professional

Hours: Monday-Friday 8.00am-4.30pm
Fax: (07) 3636 6990

Adolescent and Young Adult Colorectal and Skin/Melanoma
Mobile: 0427 512 370

Mobile: 0458 402 978

Mobile: 0400 718 546

Head and Neck, Brain
Mobile: 0437 346 605

Lung, Genitourinary and Sarcoma
Mobile: 0458 044 517

Mobile: 0458 820 755

Upper GI (oesophageal, gastric, duodenal),Hepatobiliary (liver, pancreatic) and Gynaecology
Mobile: 0423 604 582

The Prince Charles Hospital

Cancer care coordinator
Phone: (07) 3139 5500

General Surgical Oncology Coordinator (all cancers other than lung)
Phone: (07) 3139 5217

Lung Lesion Diagnostic Nurse (all suspected and confirmed lung cancer)
Phone: (07) 3139 5216

Redcliffe Hospital

Fax: (07) 3883 7058

Breast Cancer Care Coordinator
Mobile: 0488 763 479

General Cancer Care Coordinator (all tumour streams other than breast)
Phone: (07) 3883 7237

North Lakes/Caboolture

Hours: Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.00pm

Mobile: 0437 058 027
Phone: (07) 5433 8955 (to cancel an appointment)
Fax: (07) 3883 7058

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