LINK innovation funding2017-12-07T03:07:34+00:00

LINK innovation funding

Metro North Hospital and Health Service is dedicated to forging stronger links with our community partners to deliver connected and integrated patient-centred care, as outlined in the Health Service Strategy 2015-20.

The LINK (Leading Innovation through Networking and Knowledge-sharing) fund was introduced in 2015 and is a $1million commitment that recognises innovation as “ideas successfully applied”. Complex health issues cannot be addressed by the acute hospital and health service acting alone; nor can the best and most efficient care be delivered when silos of activity, resources and expertise operate.

2017 projects

In 2017 a total of 18 LINK innovative partnership proposals were submitted for review to fund. Five projects were chosen for funding.

Each of the projects was assessed on the basis of their innovation, collaborative impact and ability to work together to reduce unnecessary hospital admission or re-admissions, improve discharge and admission practices and improve patient-centred connected and integrated care.

The following LINK projects will test how organisations from various sectors working together and across the system can improve continuity of integrated and connected care: the right care, in the right place and at the right time. By focusing resources on collaborative initiatives, LINK will build a partnership culture and a network of partners with the same vision of providing seamless support for patients, consumers, families, carers and communities. Here are the five projects:

Partners: Wilson Architects, Lendlease and Cognuse
Future ICU is a multi-layered project aimed at improving the patient experience and decreasing the cognitive burden of admission to the ICU. Through engaging consumers, staff and external stakeholders, this project will bring innovative evidence-based design and technology to the ICU setting.

Partners: Open Minds
The initiative is an enhanced model of integrated care providing alternatives for people who frequently access hospital services either as inpatients or presentations to the emergency department. The program aims to prevent unnecessary presentations, admission or re-admission to hospital and reduce the client’s length of stay within the hospital.

This initiative will see MNHHS, QUT and the Stroke Foundation collaborate to develop a Stroke Portal app. The app will enable patients to access their health records, an individualised discharge care plan related to their post stroke care, stroke education and self-management tools, and a telehealth portal. While the portal app will share common applications it will also have the capacity to be tailored to the health needs of the individual patient including access to individualised patient health information and Post Discharge Stroke Care Plan.

Partners: Aftercare, Richmond Fellowship QLD, Wesley Mission QLD, Encirlcle
To develop and trial Redcliffe and Caboolture community based safe space alternatives for those that experience distress related to their psychosocial needs to reduce presentations to local emergency departments.

Partners: Communify, Lives Lived Well, PCYC
Community based dual diagnosis day program for young people (18-25). The program will be adapted from the Springboard dual diagnosis day program to provide a viable alternative to residential treatment under a harm minimisation and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) framework.

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Phone: (07) 3647 9719

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