LINK innovation funding 20152017-12-04T04:26:43+00:00

LINK innovation funding 2015

LINK funding provides the opportunity to build partnership and community engagement capability, deliver efficiencies and improve continuity and quality of care for patients, consumers, carers and families.

The LINK innovation fund (LINK) contributes to MNHHS’ commitment under the Health Services Strategy 2015-20  to work in partnership to better connect care across the system.

In addition, it enables MNHHS to achieve Standard 2 of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (Standard 2.50)  – Partnering with Consumers and carers to design the way care is delivered to better meet patient needs and preferences.

LINK funding is available to partnerships between MNHHS staff and external partners.

A partnership project originating between TPCH and Brisbane North PHN, GRACEwill overcome the need for GPS to refer their patients to hospital clinics for specialist expert advice and consultation. Through a GP direct phone service, GRACE will provide timely advice and support to patients working with their GP in a primary health care setting and reducing unnecessary hospital visits.

This project brings together a network of service providers and partner organisations that will improve the accessibility of lymphedema services in the community through building capability in community GPS and aged care services, and extending a model of integrated cancer / lymphoedema service to Redcliffe and Caboolture.

The Extended Eligible Private Midwife Practice project will reach areas in Metro North beyond Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) with a focus on providing a community model of continuous midwifery care for, particularly, women who may be at greater social disadvantage and risk. The project is a collaboration of a range of public, private and not-for-profit community groups including the Midwifery and Maternity Provider Organisation Australia, Maternity Choices Australia and the Australian College of Midwives. It will credential select private eligible midwives to take on women in community settings and work towards the development of a system-wide equitable and connected standard of care.

Emergency departments (EDs) face a high number of repeat attendees of persons with complex and high psychosocial needs. Not only is frequent attendance costly to the system but it fails to effectively link these individuals with the range of supports that would improve their resilience, health and wellbeing in the community. Two similar projects will address this issue, trialling different approaches.

The ED Frequent Attendee Management project is a partnership between TPCH and RBWH and community partners Micah, Footprints, and Brisbane North Primary Health Network to implement a flagging protocol and case conferencing system across social services and EDS with relevant community mental health, social and homelessness services integrated to ensure that frequent attendees are identified and provided coordinated and individualised mental health and social services.

The project will establish a partnership network in order to broker a range of services targeting 50 identified children requiring paediatric services and 50 adult frequent attendees with complex and high psychosocial needs. The partnership framework will provide the foundation for continuing collaborative effort and, in particular, will establish shared models of care and referrals paths with the newly-established Caboolture GP Superclinic.

MS Connect will provide a specialist counselling service for newly-diagnosed MS patients attending the RBWH MS Clinic. MS diagnosis can be a time of grief and stress both for the individual and their family. By ensuring a holistic, early interventionist and coordinated “MS Connect” service, this project will support the whole person and enable better self-management that, in turn, will improve quality of life and reduced acute episodes.

Private Public Kidney Partnership The Community Diabetes Team at North Lakes is forming a private-public partnership with a private endocronologist to manage and expedite services to patients who will receive appropriate and timely care in a primary health setting.

The project will develop a network of service providers and health care providers including the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health, the Australian Podiatry Association of Queensland Podiatry and the Brisbane North Primary Health Network to better identify and support people with high-risk feet, improving clinical handover, and referral between public and private practices and ensuring community-based early intervention.

An initiative of Community, Indigenous and Subacute Service and the Queensland Stoma Association, the project will develop an integrated, partnership and community-based model of stoma care.

A joint initiative of the Queensland University of Technology and RBWH Cancer Care Services and Patient Safety and Quality, this project responds to the needs of consumers, families and carers to develop an interactive web portal that supports cancer patients and allows them to share their experiences and learn from others.

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