LINK innovation funding 20162017-12-04T04:28:09+00:00

LINK innovation funding 2016

In 2016 a total of 36 LINK innovative partnership proposals were submitted to and assessed by a committee of internal and external members. Eighteen LINK proponents were selected to pitch their innovative ideas to multidisciplinary panels. Eight projects chosen for funding.

Each of the projects was assessed on the basis of their innovation, collaborative impact and ability to work together to reduce unnecessary hospital admission or re-admissions, improve discharge and admission practices and improve patient-centred connected and integrated care.

The following LINK projects will test how organisations from various sectors working together and across the system can improve continuity of integrated and connected care: the right care, in the right place and at the right time. By focusing resources on collaborative initiatives, LINK will build a partnership culture and a network of partners with the same vision of providing seamless support for patients, consumers, families, carers and communities.

Projects funding in 2016 are listed below.

MN Mental Health Services together with Mental Illness Fellowship Qld working together in ED to provide support for people experiencing mental health distress – development and trial of an integrated service program.

Trial of a rapid clinical test that can be administered by staff working with people at risk of HIV and other STI in a range of health care settings. Outcomes provide a vulnerable group of people with fast, accurate and reliable diagnosis, information and referral to appropriate treatment.

Development and trial of a DAMA risk prediction algorithm to reduce the number of early, unplanned discharges from hospitals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Development of an app for patients to measure pain, activity and opioid use, with data being used by clinicians to develop patient specific treatment. Also a tool for regional and remote use – linked in with telehealth.

The development of a training program and package for schools, kindergartens and childcare services to support children with type 1 diabetes, and improve the implementation of individual care plans. The model will develop resources and training that can be supported into the future and change the model of practice by the health service (improving costs and efficiencies for the service).

Trial of an integrated model of care approach for patients with COPD in the Caboolture area to reduce COPD readmissions and improve integrated care.

This uses an “Instabooth” that allows people (patients, consumers, carers, staff etc) to describe their experiences, ideas and practices of hand hygiene. The information collected in this novel way, is used to develop and trial a message strategy to improve hand hygiene.

This project with develop and trial a service based pathway and referral system from MNHHS ED and post detox program, to a community based alcohol and drug rehabilitation program.

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Phone: 07 3647 9719

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