
Keeping minds and bodies active and healthy

There is a lot of interest in the Sandgate & District Mens Shed which is doing great things. President Les Batson (far right) is joined by Metro North Board member Adrian Carson and our own ED, Chris Seiboth.

The community partnership between the Sandgate & District Mens Shed and CISS is continuing to provide some great dividends for not only the local community, but for staff, patients and our residents.

Each day, the gentlemen from the Mens Shed are creating invaluable aids and sensory items for our patients recovering from trauma and residents to help them remain active in mind and body.

Community, Indigenous and Subacute Services Executive Director Chris Seiboth said the Men Shed were such an integral part of the CISS community, and the care we provide to our residents and patients.

“Les and the willing members of the Mens Shed have been working with our Allied Health staff and putting their collective minds together to create a range of helpful items to support the care we provide,” Chris said.

“This has included dressing aids, games and sensory items to help with coordination for our residents, and rehabilitation aids such as step-up blocks.”

In addition, the Sandgate & District Mens Shed have opened their doors to residents as a friendly place for them to come to spend some time, to interact, complete projects, and ultimately remain active.

Chris said the Mens Shed moved to the Brighton Health Campus one year ago and the partnership had grown from strength to strength with membership increasing by about 170 per cent.

“The Mens Shed is keeping people active, and is advancing the well-being and health of its members and our residents by encouraging social inclusion,” Chris said. 

Mens Shed members have also been actively involved at the Brighton Health Campus coordinating staff barbeques as part of Anzac Day, 70 year celebrations and major events.

The Sandgate & District Mens Shed is a not-for-profit organisation which creates fabulous traditional toys, furniture and memorabilia for the community.

No batteries here! Traditional craftsmanship is well and truly on show at the Men’s Shed at Brighton Health Campus.
