2021 Fellows2024-05-22T01:50:39+00:00

2021 Fellows

We are extremely pleased to announce our Metro North Clinician Research Fellows for 2021

The 2021 Fellows at the Fellows Welcome Breakfast hosted by Shaun Drummond, Feb 2021. (L-R) Lata Vadlamudi, Victoria Eley, Natasha Roberts, Dylan Flaws, Thuy Frakking

Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Victoria will use her Fellowship to optimise clinical outcomes for mother and child following a caesarean section by determining if pre-incisional antibiotics administered to the mother at caesarean section increases childhood allergic disease.

Cancer Care Services, The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Natasha will lead a body of research to understand and address unmet needs in prostate cancer care through a collaborative, quality and clinically based program of research that improves the support and outcomes for men with prostate cancer.

Mental Health, Caboolture Hospital

Dylan will pioneer a new understanding of post intensive care syndrome and transform patient lives through improving the services provided after severe illness, allowing them to function independently, return to work and remain out of hospital.

Research Development Unit, Caboolture Hospital

Thuy will develop an accessible gold standard test for the assessment and diagnosis of swallowing disorders to improve the health, social and economic outcomes in neonates and children.

Neurology, The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Lata will apply genomics to improve diagnoses and personalise treatment for patients, in developing a patient-specific, in vitro drug screening platform for drug-resistant epilepsy patients.

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