Our Strategy
The Metro North Research Strategy represents our health services’ continued investment in research and recognises the vital role that our researchers and those who support research play in advancing healthcare and improving health outcomes for patients and the community.
Our mission to deliver exceptional health outcomes through globally recognised discovery and translation will ensure that our patients receive high quality, timely and cost-effective care in a research rich health service environment.

Research Snapshot
Last year was an exciting year for research at Metro North Health. The Research Snapshot highlights some of the many hundreds of research projects undertaken across Metro North’s facilities throughout the year.
Metro North Office of Research
The Metro North Office of Research provides strategic oversight of research in Metro North Health and includes the Metro North Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) and research governance office.
Latest News
Pre-hospital pathway improving heart attack outcomes
Clinicians at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) have identified that reducing the time delay from diagnosis to in-hospital treatment can significantly improve a heart attack patient’s outcome.
Improving safety of kidney biopsies at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
A study at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) is aiming to reduce the risk of bleeding during kidney biopsy procedures and improve patient outcomes.
Cystic Fibrosis drug breakthrough on track to prolong life by decades
01 The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre is trialling a breakthrough drug that could allow patients to live decades longer, by turning the acutely fatal disease into a manageable condition.