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UQ & Metro North Collaborative Research Grants
A study to diagnose Mycoplasmataceae infections early in the post-transplant setting and, using molecular-based approaches, appropriately guide the treatment through the detection of antimicrobial resistance genes.
Investigative Team
Dr Chandima Divothawela, Medical Services, TPCH
Dr Emma Sweeney, Dr Adam Stewart, A/Prof David Whiley
This project aims to optimise smoking cessation care (SCC) for mental health service users to improve quit rates.
Investigative Team
Mrs Sally Plever, Allied Health, Metro North Mental Health
A/Prof Coral Gartner
This project is designed to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of 3D printed bioactive polycaprolactone scaffolds for vertical augmentation of significant marginal bone defects after head and neck ablative and reconstructive surgery.
Investigative Team
Dr Omar Breik, Medical Services, RBWH
Dr Cedryck Vaquette, Dr Danilo Carluccio, Prof Saso Ivanovski

QUT & Metro North Collaborative Research Grants

This pilot implementation study will investigate the feasibility, acceptability, cost and potential impact of facilitating best-practice care for patients with serious illness on an oncology inpatient ward, informed by local patient-reported experience measures and using a validated implementation framework based on facilitation.
Investigative Team
Dr Elise Button, Nursing & Midwifery, RBWH
Dr Claudia Virdun, Prof Alison Mudge, Prof Patsy Yates
A preclinical safety and efficacy study of biofabricated small diameter vascular grafts in an ovine model.
Investigative Team
Dr Christoph Meinert, Research, Metro North
Prof Travis Klein, Dr Nigel Pinto A/Prof Coral Gartner
A study investigating a change to an Admitting Service model of care that will ensure that treatment decisions, including the timing of treatment, are the responsibility of the Trauma Service, with specialist support to other teams maintained under this model. This project will examine the cost, effect, and implementation of the service change within RBWH.
Investigative Team
Dr Frances Williamson, Medical Services, RBWH
Dr Zephanie Tyack, Dr Victoria McCreanor, Prof Martin Wullschleger
QIMRB & Metro North Collaborative Research Grants
A collaborative prospective single-centre study which aims to define the mechanism of sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction, and the role of BET inhibitors in in vitro human cardiac organoids cultured in serum from septic patients.
Investigative Team
A/Prof Jayesh Dhanani, Medical Services, RBWH
A/Prof James Hudson, Prof Kevin Laupland, Dr Simon Foster
A feasibility study comparing cefazolin versus placebo to determine the impact of antibiotics used at caesarean delivery on the infant microbiome and allergy onset.
Investigative Team
A/Prof Victoria Eley, Medical Services, RBWH
A/Prof Severine Navarro, Dr Elizabeth Martin, Prof Leonie Callaway
A project ot establish a high-quality evidence-base for a novel treatment of treatment-resistant depression in Australia, guided by principles of precision medicine.
Investigative Team
A/Prof Stephen Parker, Medical Services, TPCH
Dr Philip Mosley, A/Prof Luca Cocchi
Griffith & Metro North Collaborative Research Grants
A study to identify nodules found on CT scans using saliva. Biomarkers in saliva could help to triage patients to either having no biopsy (where tests suggest benign) versus early biopsy and treatment for malignant nodules.
Investigative Team
Dr Sarju Vasani
Prof Chamindie Punyadeera, A/Prof David Fielding, A/Prof Paul Leo
A project that will utilise speckle-tracking echocardiography techniques to develop novel measures of myocardial work during bicycle stress testing that are firstly, more sensitive than existing echocardiographic measures, and secondly, will aid differential diagnosis in adaptive and maladaptive forms of cardiac remodelling. Ultimately, the study aims to facilitate earlier diagnoses and intervention to prevent cardiovascular disease progression.
Investigative Team
Dr Natalie Edwards
Dr Glenn Stewart, Prof Jonathan Chan, Prof Norman Morris